Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Celebrations

“Hey, Elsie, we have 2 birthday girls this week. Should we celebrate for them today?” My colleague asked me when I gave her the Christmas present this morning.

“Oh yes, I also forgot. How about we go out to get a cake, also get some tidbits and drinks, celebrating Christmas at the same time?” I replied.

Last evening when I was wrapping the presents, I realized I have not made plan for an office year-end celebrations, unlike the previous years when I would normally initiate either a lunch out or office party. This morning while driving to work, I was in half-a-mind to stop by the supermarket, but in the end, I decided against it. If not because of my colleague’s reminder, I would have just let this Christmas’ eve passed like any other normal working day.

This time last year, I thought it would be the last time I buy presents for my office colleagues as I had planned to leave my corporate life behind and embark on a different path, but in the end I am still around today. This year, while I still made it a point to buy presents for my colleagues, especially my staff, to thank them for their contribution and support, somehow I am not in the mood for any office celebrations. Perhaps this is an indication that I have finally succeeded in detaching myself from this workplace, my job and this organization.

In a few days’ time, 31st Dec will arrive. I am sure I will get into the mood of reflection, looking back in 2007 and looking forward to 2008.

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