Sunday, November 11, 2007

Finding Joy and Happiness

I was driving along the along the road. The traffic light turned red, I slowed down and prepared to stop.

The sticker on the windscreen of the car in front of me caught my attention. It has a skull on it and the words read “Psychopath on board. Tailgate and die.” I could not help it but burst into laughter.

How interesting. I scanned through other stickers to see if I could find any more interesting ones, unfortunately there wasn’t – only found a Class 95 sticker and a soccer club banner.

When I am on the road, I like to look at the car stickers. Sometimes I would find interesting one like the one I saw today, and many times I would try to visualize how the driver is like by the stickers they put up :-)

These activities that I engaged in kept me awake and made my otherwise boring journey an enjoyable one, and I would normally arrive at my destination with a light-hearted mood.

Joy and happiness is everywhere if you bother to find them. Look no further but around us. Be happy!

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